BioSoc's Oganic Farm

BioSoc's Oganic Farm

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


How long has it been since we planted our first seed? About 7 weeks I guess. Not too long, not too short and finally, we're ready to harvest our first batch of crop! Our Sawi looks mature enough to be on the plate, and I'm proud to say that this is the first batch of ORGANIC plant that BioSoc members have put all their efforts in to produce! Just a few snapshots before the next post soon on our harvesting process.

Our Bayam is a few more weeks away from being harvested. Never seem healthier!

One of our main planter checking on our sawi. The sawi are at their perfect time to be harvested. 

Close-up at our sawi crop. Delicious looking aye?

Another shot of our sawi plants. We finally managed to produce our first batch of ORGANIC crop.
So it really took a lot of time and effort, but the first batch of crop really put a big smile on our face. Not only that our efforts are not waster, but seeing the greens bloom in the absence of pesticide makes us feel like we achieved something for the environment. Still, a long way to go, so I'll see you in the next post on our HARVESTING day!